There is a very big difference between living life and existing within life. It is Passion! I live life with the intent of enjoying every moment, and giving my absolute best. I don't remember a time in my life I wasn't doing something. Growing up in Israel, I was riding horses, running, playing rugby, and completing triathlon. However it is the bike that I fell in love with; That rush you get when you hold onto your handlebars as you give everything you got in your legs!
I am always up for a new adventure, there is nowhere in the world I wouldn't travel to and no food I wouldn't sample.
Career highlights: Silver Medalist Ontario 2017 track provincials Elite man- Keirin event. Multiple podium spots Ontario cup cat 1 elite man. Points award winner 2017 Ontario- Cup standing Cat 4 elite man.
Twitter: @TomerSpeed
Instagram: @TomerSpeed